Green Tea


Health & Happiness in One Pill

Original Tea Leaves with Epigallocatechin Gallate (ECG)

For Heart Health – Increased metabolism

The Healthiest Tea -Pill-  Choice Ever!



Green Tea

Health & Happiness in One Pill

Original Tea Leaves with Epigallocatechin Gallate (ECG)

For Heart Health – Increased metabolism

The Healthiest Tea -Pill-  Choice Ever!

 Why you should go for Ayuryama Green Tea

Green Tea comes with innumerable benefits including high levels of antioxidant, epigallocatechin gallate, polyphenols and more to provide a healthier living. Green Tea also acts as an immunity enhancer while giving the body a surge of energy to pace through daily life. Imagine, you can consume all these benefits in just one pill, and it’s entirely possible. The Ayuryama Green Tea packs all the benefits of the drink in one pill, through a daily dose of supplementation, the benefits are all yours.


Increased fat burning

Immense Antioxidants

Heart Health

Energy Booster

Prevents diabetes

Enhanced brain function

The Green Tea Episode

Regarded as one of the most healthy drinks ever, Green Tea indeed comes packed with health and happiness benefits. Taken from the plant Camellia sinensis, Green Tea extracts are abundant in polyphenols and Epigallocatechin Gallate. The higher the polyphenols, the higher the health benefits.

Popular for aiding in increased metabolism, fat burning, cancer prevention chances, cardiovascular health, Green Tea is a storehouse for health benefits. The right kind of Green Tea should be procured from the most original plantations for the quality to remain intact, that’s where Ayuryama comes in. Our plantations and manufacturing technology are top-notch, prepared with advanced vision and futuristic style Ayuryama Green Tea is made to stand out.

The pack here offers a creative brew of Polyphenols & Epigallocatechin Gallate combo through one pill for an advanced, happier and healthier life.